Preparation of wood for burning in the fireplace

In order to be able to burn wood in the fireplace, you can buy ready-made pieces of properly dried firewood before winter, but you can also try to get it yourself, which is much more satisfying. Sometimes you also have your own forest or individual trees that have to be felled for various reasons, in which case it's worth taking care of this yourself and preparing the material in an appropriate way so that it's suitable for burning in the fireplace. First of all, you need a quality chainsaw, which you don't even have to buy because you can hire it for a certain period of time from a construction equipment hire company. Once you have the necessary equipment, you need to learn how to use the chainsaw safely in the first few hours, so that you do not damage yourself or other people in the vicinity while cutting the wood. Once we become proficient, we will find that the work can bring us a lot of satisfaction, and in winter we will be able to enjoy the results in the form of plenty of wood to burn on cold days.

Preparation of wood for burning in the fireplace

Best types of wood

When choosing the right trees to cut, remember that deciduous species such as oak, hornbeam, beech and ash have the highest calorific value. Coniferous trees contain a greater amount of resin, which can damage the fireplace and the flue itself. If you have no choice but to burn this type of wood, at least do not use it alone, but mix it with hardwoods. The wood needs to be properly dried before burning, and a covered place with good air flow is best for this, which speeds up the evaporation process. Remember also to avoid burning carpenter's leftovers, pieces of unnecessary furniture and other such waste, as they are often covered in varnish or paint and as a result emit compounds that are harmful to people and the environment as a whole when burned.